Earlham College
CONTACT IN SPAIN: Jennifer Lewis (lewisje@earlham.edu)
Earlham College Spain Program in Granada
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n
18009 Granada
Web: https://earlham-sa.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10019
Earlham College offers an alternating year, spring semester program in Granada that runs from early January to late May. Students may earn the equivalent of 18 semester hours for successful completion of all courses. Depending on each student’s language proficiency, students may take 0-2 language courses, a required literature course and a program course (Tertulia Intercultural) that houses internships, excursion assignments and a reflective component. Other courses (2 to 4) are elective and chosen from wide range of courses in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Math and Sciences. The literature and Tertulia Intercultural courses are taught by the program leader. Other classes are taught by faculty from the University of Granada. All courses are given in Spanish. Advanced students may opt to take regular university courses. As part of the academic program students participate in a supervised internship or ethnographic project.
A faculty member from Earlham College provides on-site guidance and supervision in all aspects of the program. In Granada, students are housed one to a home with carefully selected Spanish families. All meals are taken with the host family. Students are provided additional co- and extra-curricular opportunity through tutors, cultural exchanges with students from the University of Granada, recreational and sporting activities, and paid entrance to cultural events. Cultural excursions, both day and overnight, are included in the program. Excursions are organized around classes or the overarching thematic construct of the program. Longer excursions have included Mérida, Toledo, Almería, Madrid, and Morocco.
Day excursions have included various Granada city and province sites, Córdoba and Sevilla. Students participate in an intensive, for credit, orientation program on-campus prior to study in Granada as well as a multiple day, on-site orientation in Madrid. Students not enrolled at Earlham are encouraged to attend as many orientation meetings as possible in the semester prior to participating in the program. Alternative arrangements can be made for students for whom attendance would be impossible. Likewise, students are required to participate in a post-program course in which students reflect on their experience in Granada. Students also present a public presentation the semester after their return from Spain.
The Earlham College Spain Program is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors of all majors who demonstrate an intermediate or higher level of Spanish. The program is open to Earlham College students as well as to students from other colleges and universities. Students pay regular Earlham College tuition, room, board, and fees for one semester. This program cost covers tuition, housing, meals, on-site orientation and program excursions. It does not cover airfare to and from Spain, fees associated with passports and visas, books and other personal travel or costs. Credit is awarded by Earlham College. During selected years, Earlham College also offers an intensive May Term course. During this course, students receive 3 semester credits and study a specific topic in Spanish literature, culture, or history while on-site in Spain. Past May Term courses have included the Camino de Santiago, Cultural Ecology in Menorca, Sephardic Spain, and Al-Andalús Now and Then.