Established in 1981, PRESHCO is a consortium of Smith and Wellesley Colleges. Its mission is to encourage the intellectual and personal growth that comes from cultural immersion; to offer an opportunity to strengthen acquisition of the Spanish language ; and to foster knowledge and appreciation of Spanish culture through studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM and Fine Arts. Academic study in the PRESHCO program features both courses specially developed for US students and direct-matriculation courses at the University of Córdoba

The program is housed in an eighteenth-century landmark building located in the heart of the medieval quarter and within the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Course offerings are extensive, from more general survey-type courses on Spain and the European Community, to specialized offerings on such topics as Roman Andalusia and Semitic Cultures in Al-Andalus. PRESHCO students enjoy the use of the University library, computer services (including e-mail and Wi-Fi at the university), and student discounts. Books required for courses are included as are funds for individually-determined cultural activities. Students are housed with experienced host families. Meals and laundry services or facilities are included. 

Extensive excursions complement and enhance the program of study. As part of each semester´s orientation, students take part in an orientation tour throughout Spain. Other excursions during the semester may include travel to Morocco or Portugal. Round-trip airfare to Spain from a gateway US city is included in the comprehensive fee. Córdoba, famous throughout the world for its unique historical significance in terms of Christian, Islamic and Jewish cultures, is a vibrant city known for its hospitality, cuisine, and cultural offerings-including its month-long festivities of "Cruces, "Patios", and "Feria" in May. Being a city with very few American students, the location offers an ideal setting for immersion into Spanish life. Córdoba is centrally located in the heart of Andalucía near Seville, Granada, Jaén and Málaga. Madrid is only one hour and forty minutes from Córdoba by high-speed "AVE" train.


Stacia Biel
Program Administrator
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Tel: 617.835.6532
Web page: 
On-line catalogue: On PRESHCO web page, open Drop-down menu “For Students”/”Pre-departure resources”


Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Córdoba
Plaza Cardenal Salazar
14003 Córdoba
Director: Kim Griffin
Tel. : 011.34. 957.421.794