Rutgers University


Melanie Andrich
Program Coordinator
Rutgers University Study Abroad Office
102 College Ave.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Tel: (732) 932-7787
Fax: (732) 932-8659


Director: Laura Jean Gatzkiewicz
Office/Fax: 011.34.963.633.305

Students from Rutgers, joined by students from other universities who apply to the Rutgers Study Abroad Office, study for an entire academic year (late August to end of June) at the University of Valencia's Blasco Ibáñez campus located along one of the city's tree-lined avenues. Our students enroll in UV courses (mostly humanities and social sciences) in the same classes as regular Spanish university students (taught by the Facultades located on that campus). Students in the Rutgers program live in the Colegio Mayor Ausias March, a dormitory. To provide maximum opportunity for interaction with their Spanish counterparts, all students in the Rutgers program take their meals in the dining room of the Colegio Mayor and are encouraged to use the Colegio's library, study room, television and computer facilities. 

During September, Rutgers, with the assistance of the University of Valencia, operates its own orientation program to prepare our students for the experience of attending classes in a Spanish university. Taught by UV professors, the subjects are the History and Geography of Spain and Spanish Grammar. The orientation includes guided field trips to other Spanish sites of historical and cultural importance. Most of our students are juniors. Although one does not have to be a Spanish major to participate in our program, one must have achieved a level of proficiency in spoken and written Spanish sufficient to successfully participate with Spanish students in the completion of university-level courses in Spain. 

Students in the program will take 30 university credits while in Valencia, for which a Rutgers transcript will be issued. All fees paid to Rutgers cover in Valencia the cost of tuition, room and board, excursions, health coverage, and group gatherings on special occasions. The on-site Director of the program - a Rutgers faculty member- provides oversight and guidance to assist students with their academic and social concerns.