With the new fall term in full swing, it was time for APUNE's seasonal meeting at the Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid where themes such as mental health and visa regulations were the topic of the day.
At the meeting, various approaches to meet the challenges of international and multicultural exchanges were debated. Among the topics discussed were mental health interventions and the importance of awareness and responsibility in intercultural interaction.
After an initial session for full members of APUNE - where budgets and membership was discussed - it was time for the main session, opened by Amy Olson, the President of APUNE, Mª del Rosario Cristóbal Roncero, Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation and Javier Arias Díaz, the Faculty of Medicine Dean, UCM.
The welcome ceremony was followed by a presentation of all APUNE's news and developments by APUNE's director, Ariadne Ferro. No meeting in Spain is complete without a delicious coffee break! And we were fortunate to have that particular break sponsored by Lodgerin and Carlos V Education. Catch-ups and networking were the order of the day as the participants got their caffeine fix.
There then followed a speech by Jane Strei of the American Citizen Services at the USA Embassy and a round table session about Engaging Students through Non-Traditional Learning with David García Ramos and Beatriz Manrique (Universidad Católica de Valencia) plus
Mónica Pérez-Bedmar (Saint Louis University, Syracuse University and CEA CAPA).
The closing round table was about instigating a critical and flexible mind in the Study Abroad arena with Isabel Luque (American University Madrid) and Leticia Martínez (Mindplace).
As always, it was an enriching experience for all involved. Highlighting the importance of the study abroad community coming together to share insights and experiences - to make sure that students are given the best opportunities and support possible. Thank you to everyone who was involved!