New York University
Gerard Aching, Director
Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures
New York University
13 University Place, 4th floor
New York, NY 10003
Tel: (212) 998-8770
Resident Director: Robert Lubar
Office: 011.34.915.902.921
Fax: 011.34.915.902.930
New York University, a founding member of APUNE, is a leader in developing learning opportunities and experience for the United States University student in Europe. Open to all students from institutions of higher learning, graduate as well as undergraduate, semester or full academic year, New York University offers three levels of study: 1) An undergraduate program for students with little or no Spanish who complement their study of Spanish language with content courses in English; 2) An undergraduate program entirely in Spanish for students with an advanced level of Spanish; 3) A graduate program with two M.A. tracks, one in Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures and one in Spanish Language and Translation. All qualified students may choose to enroll in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Undergraduate Academic Program: All undergraduate students participate in a 2-point workshop on Spanish culture and language which includes a three-day mini course on the cultural history of Spain, complemented with visits to local museums. Later in the semester, students participate in hands-on practical workshops on Spanish cuisine, wine, or dance, attend a lecture from a semester-long series, and synthesize their learning into a multimedia group project presented at the end of the semester. While students are encouraged to acquire some degree of language proficiency before studying in Madrid to better enhance their immersion experience, NYU in Madrid offers beginning and intermediate level Spanish students the opportunity to study language intensively while taking two to three content courses on Spanish culture, history, and politics in English.
The program offers two complementary courses for students at the intermediate level, specially-tailored to their language abilities. Students at the advanced Spanish level (V95.0100 & above) choose from the program's wide selection of courses in advanced Spanish literature, business, translation, cinema and politics conducted in Spanish with renowned Spanish scholars and writers at the NYU Center and/or the affiliated Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In order to achieve language immersion, advanced students are only permitted one English language content course when the course counts towards a student's major or core requirements.
All students at NYU in Madrid register for courses according to their language level, demonstrated either through previous coursework or placement tests administered in New York or upon arrival in Madrid. Intensive language courses meet Monday through Thursday and yield 6 points per semester. Content courses meet twice weekly, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, and yield 4 points per semester per course. Graduate Academic Program: Graduates seeking a Master of Art's degree, in either Spanish and Latin American Literatures and Cultures or Spanish Language and Translation, study with experts in their fields. Students must satisfactorily complete the M.A. program for a total of 32 credits or points with a grade average of B or above. In addition to the program's mandatory and elective course requirements, which differ according to the chosen concentration, students must successfully complete an M.A. project. Students choose their projects in consultation with the program's Director of Graduate Studies.
The program lasts one academic year, and only admits new students in the fall. Admission requirements include a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, an undergraduate Spanish major or the equivalent, and appropriate references. Housing & Co-curricular Activities: Student housing for all NYU in Madrid programs is arranged through the NYU in Madrid office in families of long standing relationships with the university. Students may also request a list of apartments that have been rented by NYU students in Madrid in past semesters. In addition to day trips and cultural activities in Madrid, NYU organizes 3-4 excursions throughout the year all of which are included in the NYU in Madrid tuition.