Carleton College (Madrid)
Contact in Spain
Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Avenida del Profesor Aranguren s/n
28040 Madrid
Tel: 915 495 499/ 676 686 765
Co-Director: Humberto Huergo
During 10 weeks Carleton students enroll in three regular courses and an additional independent reading course for a total of 18 credits. Classes will be held at the Colegio Mayor Universitario San Juan Evangelista, one of several residencias (halls of residence or dorms) located at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. In order to immerse themselves in Spanish life and language, students will stay with carefully selected Spanish families.
Cultural activities, speakers, and excursions within Madrid will supplement course work. In addition, there will be several excursions to different regions of Spain.